Sunday, April 24, 2011

A move, a motivation, and other life changes.

I have arrived in California. Well, we arrived 4 months ago. Living in a lovely house with a lemon tree, Man, 2 dogs and myself.
There is a wedding on the horizon (mine), to which I wish to wear come vintage couture. I am motivated to slim down, for fashion and my health.

For 30 days (starting today) I pledge to exercise, in some fashion, every day for at least 30 minutes. I will also make a note every day about the process

I anticipate good returns. I will tell you about them here :).

For today, I will walk with the dogs up the big hill. It is Easter, and raining. I may do yoga afterwards, which will be refreshing. My goal is to do a detox flow, nothing too difficult. I'd like to do some spinal twists to convince toxins to leave my body.

Tall dog is nosing the keyboard, so It's time to go.