Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Big Bear, OH MY!

Sitting in the heart of Bloomingdale, Big Bear Cafe provides a caffeinated mecca for those lucky enough to live in the neighborhood. Manned by hipsters, Big Bear prides itself on local, fair trade, and sustainable practices. Their menu features fine coffees and teas from fair trade sources, local dairy from Trickling Springs creamery, and produce from local farmers.

Big Bear boasts REAL baristas- the kind that can make foam that will hold up a spoon, who know the science of the french press, the perfect tamp, how to pull an espresso shot with the right amount of creme, and the difference between a macchiato and what Starbucks serves as one. They also have mad foam-decoration skills, and often adorn the tops of cappuccino with beautifully delicate ferns and hearts. AND! Your coffee, sandwiches, and rugelach will be served with a smile and some friendly conversation.

photo taken from yelp!

The coffee is good, and the food fresh- but what I really like is the overall atmosphere and community that spring up around this cafe. On Sundays, the entire street in front is sequestered off to make a space for the Bloomingdale Farmer's market, musicians play out front, and the community comes to enjoy breakfast sandwiches, coffees, and peruse the wares of local farmers. Neighborhood goings on are posted on their bulletin board, and the walls serve as a gallery for local artists. Truly, Big Bear provides a very euro-style cafe experience. The tables are filled with patrons of all ages, shapes, and walks of life. This glorious variety is reflected in the music played, as well as the hodge-podge vintage decor.

How do I enjoy my Big Bear experience? By sipping an Iced Latte on the patio while completing some work, reading a book, or just enjoying their vegetable garden. My only gripe about the cafe is their limited hours- They are only open from 9-6 most days of the week. However, they've recently applied for a liquor license, and are hoping to extend their hours to 1-2am, and provide live music. Let's keep our fingers crossed on this one!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Yoga, Day 2

Surprisingly, I did not sleep so well last night after bed-time Yoga. And my arms and neck were sore. Felt great afterwards. I have procrastinated Today's yoga until the evening, yet again. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

Tonight, A Baptiste Power flow narrated by Dave Farmar from I've done this one several times, but not for awhile. If memory serves, my arms will likely hurt tomorrow, too.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yoga, Day 1

I hereby commit to practicing Yoga every day for 30 days.

Today is day (evening) #1. I will do a simple, gentle Hatha flow before bed.

How do I feel? Itchy. I have felt Itchy for a few days, both literally and figuratively. I'm finishing up an internship in Music Therapy at a large psychiatric facility, and do my best to not freak out about my slim prospects of employment. I'm sad to be finishing, excited to be starting out as a "young professional", and nervous about board exams. I'm anxious to be jumping off this boat of studenthood into the real world.

What do I hope to accomplish by doing this? I hope to feel more balanced, calm, and positive. I hope to feel better, and more flexible.


I am often overwhelmed by life. I see many things I want to change, things I want to do to make myself better. They may be small things (hanging my coat up right away), or large things (becoming more fit). I'm often inspired by resolutions, but have difficulty seeing them through to the end.

A friend of mine once told me, "You can do anything for 30 days, of you make up your mind to do so." I have yet to test his theory, but want to.

And so... I will.